
Global Youth Tour of Hebei②丨Wandering in ancient town of Zhengding

时间:2023年11月24日    热线:0311-85290821   来源:Great Wall New Media

  Zhengding ancient town is located 15 kilometers in the north of Shijiazhuang City. In history, Baoding, Beijing, Zhengding used to be named as three leading towns in northern China. Currently the historical relics and exquisite shops here have turned the town into a center combined with various cultures and modern trends. Recently, two iHebei Overseas Communication Officers completed an amazing tour in Zhengding, what kind of experience will the collision of history and trend bring them? Let's check it together!

  总策划: 王悦路

  Supervising Producer: Wang Yuelu总监制:李 遥

  Chief Producer: Li Yao制片人:杨建民 周毅玲

  Producers: Yang Jianmin, Zhou Yiling

  编 导:李文培 宋立芳

  Choreographer-director: Li Wenpei, Song Lifang拍 摄:赵博轩 张荣鹏

  Cinematographers: Zhao Boxuan, Zhang Rongpeng剪 辑:王守一 马静

  Editors: Wang Shouyi, Ma Jing字幕翻译:宋立芳 米雯婷(实习)

  Script Translators: Song Lifang, Mi Wenting(Intern)文字校对:郑 白 李 石(实习)

  Text proofreaders: Zheng Bai, Li Shi (Intern)指导单位 : 河北省委宣传部

  Guiding Unit: Publicity Department of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee鸣谢单位:正定县委宣传部

  Special Thanks to: Publicity Department of CPC Committee of Zhengding County


  Hebei Normal University

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